✨ Steps to create a website with Hugo framework deployed to Azure cloud using GitHub continuos integration
🚀 Getting Started to create a free website with incredible performace
- environment: Windows 10 with admin rights
- install chocolatey package manager
- install hugo using chocolatey
- install Visual studio code
- install Git
- commit to Github
- Create Azure Static Web App
install chocolatey package manager
Open CMD as administrator and run:
powershell -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))"
@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
close and open another terminal to check the version
choco --version
install hugo:
choco install hugo -confirm
hugo version
(Download Visual Studio Code for Windows) {#VS}
install Git:
choco install git -confirm
git --version
Create the website using Hugo framework.
- Step 1: Open CMD and change directory to Hugo path:
cd C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin
- Step 2: Create new Hugo Site
hugo new site your-site-name
- Step 3: Add the PaperMod Theme
cd your-site-name
git init # Initialize a Git repo if not already initialized
git submodule add https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod.git themes/PaperMod
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Step 4: Open folder in VS:
code .
- Step 5: Configure Your Site
Now, you need to configure your site by modifying the config.toml (or config.yaml if you prefer that format) in the root of your Hugo project.
baseURL = "https://example.com/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "My Hugo Website"
theme = "PaperMod"
# Add your site parameters here (e.g., title, description, etc.)
description = "A simple Hugo site using PaperMod theme"
author = "Your Name"
twitter = "your_twitter_handle" # optional
github = "your_github_handle" # optional
linkedin = "your_linkedin_handle" # optional
- Step 6: **Create a new post using CMD teminal
hugo new posts/my-first-post.md
- Step 7: **Run the Local Server To preview your site locally, navigate to your site directory and run:
hugo server
This will start the Hugo development server at http://localhost:1313/
. Open that URL in your browser to see your site live locally. if you receive any error, please un incognite mode CTRL+SHIFT+N
Deploy to Azure
Deploy Hugo Website to Azure Static Web Apps
This guide walks you through the steps to deploy a Hugo-based website to Azure Static Web Apps.
Before you start, make sure you have the following:
- Azure account: Create an Azure account if you don’t have one.
- Hugo installed: Make sure you have Hugo installed on your local machine. You can download it from Hugo’s official site.
- GitHub account: Azure Static Web Apps integrates with GitHub for continuous deployment.
- Git installed: Make sure you have Git installed on your local machine.
2. Push Your Hugo Site to GitHub
Create a new repository on GitHub.
Initialize a Git repository in your Hugo site folder:
git init git add . git commit -m "Initial commit"
Add the GitHub remote URL and push your site:
git remote add origin https://github.com/yourusername/your-repo-name.git git push -u origin master
3. Create Azure Static Web App
Log in to Azure: Go to Azure Portal and log in to your account.
Create a new Static Web App:
- In the Azure portal, click on Create a resource.
- Search for Static Web Apps and select it.
- Click Create.
- Enter the following details:
- Subscription: Choose your subscription.
- Resource Group: Create a new one or select an existing one.
- Name: Provide a unique name for your Static Web App.
- Region: Select the region closest to your users.
- Deployment: Choose GitHub as the source.
- Repository: Select the repository where your Hugo site is stored.
- Branch: Choose the branch to deploy (usually
). - Build Presets: Choose Hugo.
- App artifact location: Enter
(this is the default folder where Hugo builds the site).
Review and Create:
- Click Review + Create and then Create.
- Azure will automatically set up the GitHub Actions for continuous deployment.
4. Configure GitHub Actions for Continuous Deployment
Once your Azure Static Web App is created, Azure will automatically create a GitHub Action workflow file to build and deploy the site. This file is located in your GitHub repository under .github/workflows/azure-static-web-apps.yml
Make sure the artifact location in the workflow matches the public
folder where Hugo generates the final static files:
app_location: "/"
api_location: "/"
app_artifact_location: "public"